European Jews for Palestine

EJP meeting with Katharina Von Schnurbein, European Commission’s Coordinator on Combating Antisemitism and Fostering Jewish Life

17 December 2024

A delegation from European Jews for Palestine (EJP) met yesterday with the EU Commission’s Coordinator on Combating Antisemitism and Fostering Jewish Life, Ms. Katharina von Schnurbein. The EJP delegation was composed of Anita Di Bianco, board member of Jüdische Stimme für gerechten Frieden in Nahost, Germany; Alma Itzhaky, of Israelis für Frieden, Germany; Joana Cavaco, President of Erev Rav, Netherlands; as well the three members of the EJP Coordination Team – Gabi Kaplan, Joy Kummer and Yoav Shemer-Kunz.

Di Bianco and Itzhaky presented their experiences in regards to the violations of freedom of expression, assembly and association in Germany, notably with regards the resolution of the German Bundestag of November 7th, “Never Again Is Now: Protecting, Preserving and Strengthening Jewish Life”. Itzhaky said that the resolution violates fundamental human rights and scapegoats minorities, notably Germany’s muslim communities. Di Bianco emphasized the need to refer to anti-Jewish racism as another form of racism rather than singling it out and separating it from the broad anti-racist movement.

Cavaco presented the difficulties that pro-Palestine Jewish activists encounter in the Netherlands and their feeling of insecurity vis-à-vis the radical right and pro-Zionists militants, notably following the recent violent events in Amsterdam and their framing by the public media purely as an antisemitic pogrom, without any element of context (see Erev Rav statement of 9th November).

During the meeting, EJP co-coordinators, Shemer-Kunz, Kaplan and Kummer, requested Ms. von Schnurbeun to take part at the coming ‘Holocaust Remembrance Conference: Remembering the past. Shaping the future’, scheduled for 21 January 2025 at the Residence Palace in Brussels. Gabi Kaplan, member of the EJP Coordination Team stated:

‘As Jews living in Europe, the fight against anti-semitism, as well as its political instrumentalization, is a topic which is very high on our agenda and is a major part of our activities and public statements. Accepting our request to take part in the conference would be naturally in line with von Schnurbein’s commitment to fostering an open dialogue and an inclusive discussion in a safe environment for all Jews, regardless of their political viewpoints, and her mandate to fostering Jewish life in all its diversity.’

Von Schnurbein promised to discuss this EJP request with her team and to come back with an answer at the beginning of 2025. Ms. von Schnurbein also expressed her will to continue this dialogue with the EJP in the future.